2018-01-10 - Minions Meet Hello Kitty

^z 22nd February 2023 at 8:33pm

~7.1 mi @ ~12.5 min/mi

"Knock, knock! - It's the Dawn Patrol, Ma'am - we need you to turn on your Christmas lights, so we can inspect them!" Most front yards are dark, but a few displays remain active. One features a flock of inflatables, including multiple Minions (one dynamically popping out from a tree), Hello Kitty * 2, and Queen Elsa of "Frozen". Photo op! Kristin leads the way through a forgotten McLean neighborhood. New bike lanes on a resurfaced road add an extra safety buffer. Crimson clouds reflect the rising sun's glow.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-02-07